Google a Way to Make a Child Sit Still
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           This was first done when I was about twenty-five years old or a little younger or a little older at our house or home. This still is another reason why the Philippine Governments and the others did what they did to me, putting me down, for years and decade/s.

         Sometimes as a parent you couldn't avoid to lay a hand on your child even if you truly love him. Because of the pressures from your work, from your friends, family, partners in life you tend to lose your temper and release it on your child even at the slightest offense that he makes. I had taken care of a young boy before and together we played games. Yes we played many games, and one of those was the prisoners game. We played this many times. I would tell him that we are going to play a game and he will be my prisoner. I would ask him to run around in the living room and I would chase him. Laughing, he would run around the living room and I would chase him. He was laughing most of the time and when I thought it was time I would catch him, carry him and